Thursday, August 6, 2009

Been along time, too long really.

My dog Charlie. I love this dog, with one of those crazy kind of pet loves that makes me refer to him as my baby, like another child of mine.
I remember when we got him at 7 weeks old, so so cute, so small. And as I soon learned, so needy. Just like a baby I was up every 2 hours, taking him out to potty, to just hold for a bit, then down for another short sleep.
2 1/2 years later he is well ingrained in our family and a big part of each and every day. Saturdays we take him to doggy day camp to play with other dogs while we run our errands or just hang out. Charlie gets walked twice a day regardless of the weather, and knows when it's time for a walk. Charlie has taught me so many things I may have needed a brush up on.
to be over-joyed each time we see each other, tails a waggin like its the high light of our day.
to be grateful for whatever is on my plate, and just be happy to eat.
that even though I go on the same walk every day, twice, to look forward to just hanging out with my family if that's who my regular walk is with.
to stretch each morning and just take a moment to hug (get my belly rubbed) my family.
to never be in such a state that I need "my space" away from those who love me most. My charlie will hop on on a small couch with 2 people already on it, just to "share his space" with the folks he loves. Sometimes when I feel most like I need some alone time, what I really need is some shared space with loved ones time.
So today I am grateful to my beagle Charlie for allowing God to use him to teach me some really good life stuff.