Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hello and Welcome

Every Monday morning I email my bible study buddies an email titled "threads of gratitude". I began doing this because what better time to be reminded of things to be grateful for than an early Monday morning? As you weed thru all your emails and grumble as a new week has begun, you stop and consider all things you are grateful for.

So I've decided to try doing this on a blog as well. You see I've become quite tickled to have the opportunity to read responses to these threads. Through out the day my friends reply with their threads of gratitude and I love it. Some times I get one when I'm caught up in work and being a bit grumbly myself. I love the interuption of my sour mood with these threads, it has been wonderful, who knew? So Monday mornings I will post my threads, praying that you will share your with me:)

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