Friday, November 7, 2008


While my ways may not appear full of grace, make no mistake my Father has been generous with me in His grace. The very reality that He is there for me, to walk with, carries me when I stumble, brushes the gravel from my knees, and places me square on my feet after I fall, is proof in real life that He is with me. To watch me struggle with flesh is like watching this bird do its best to fly. You already know I can not soar with eagles on my own. But have you seen my spirit soar? Have you felt my heart when I am connected to Him? This beauty is not visible by my flight, but by my spirit. My joy leaps from me in song, it floats in me when I'm in His word. My spirit is an event like I've never known. The audience of angels praise Him, my flesh falls to the floor in His presence. The Holy Spirit rejoices within the walls as we gather together to praise Him. Yes, to see me you may see this awkward bird flapping away trying to gain flight, but yet your eyes are on me, as your spirit along with mine have hope that yes I will fly, because if little ol' unworthy me can catch flight than you can too. Fear not for me, for my Lord has taken me to new heights, challenged me into new flights, stays with me as I try, and try and try......

1 comment:

Deb B said...

Dear Lisa,
Your words capture the heart.
I have seen you soaring and praising God and I love joining you in that. Keep writing!
Aunt Deb