HE paints without a brush or paint. HE evokes emotion so powerful it can brings you to your knees. HIS lakes and oceans beauty can bring water to your eyes. HIS color brightens a dreary day to the point of laughter.
So much is there in this world to focus on, dare I take a minute to focus on HIM? Just a moment to take my eyes off the world man has caused, but instead see HIS Glory everywhere.
Birds still sing, dogs still wag their tails, trees still worship in changing color. Do we not see we are the only species all a flutter? We are in the very eye of the storm we brought about and now we cry "oh Lord where art thou"? Just as a child gets caught up in his own mischief only to then cry out for a parent do we now cry out "Lord Help me?" Then we go about the normal daily grind of satans music, I feel like the organ grinders monkey, please stop the organ God !!!
Lord today I am grateful for your absolute beauty, for you showing me who I am and who I was created to be. Lord I'm grateful for your tender heart as you give me a clearer picture of myself. Lord today I am most grateful for the lamp unto my feet, for your ever present direction. Father you are my light, my love, my life. May I ever turn to you, and more so never allow myself to far from your love, this is my prayer, amen