Tuesday, October 14, 2008

oh the Joy of hearing Him speak.

It's a funny thing to be so overjoyed about discipline. Thru so many people, verses, and books have I heard God speaking to me. Granted it's Him telling me what has to happen at the very real possibility of losing my job, but still I'm thrilled He's speaking to me. It's very comforting to know that even when I make a dumb mistake (which by the way I have learned lots from) God is still there calling me to a road of correctness. He's not mad, just anxious that I not allow this to get any worse. Oh and can I shout with JOY that in the midst of my stupidity God has showered me with His grace in another area of my life. God has my husband talking to me about faith and the word!!!! Yeah I know, to be given this supreme blessing in the midst of my stupidity is just like Him. God knows I need to be able to talk to my husband about this stuff, He knows my husband needs Him even if right now he doesn't necessarily want Him.
God has been very clear on whats expected of me, and I plan on delivering that, if my job is the only thing I lose I am grateful. But even more better, if my husband begins to share in my faith I will have come out gaining so much more than I lose.
Today God I am grateful for your attentiveness, you are not allowing me to guess at all, I am clear on your command on this. And God, how you have decided to be so generous with me is beyond my comprehension, but if you have deemed it than I will receive it with praise and gratitude.

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