Friday, October 24, 2008

walk with me to me...

Sometimes I can feel God saying "walk with me, talk to me". Other times I feel myself saying to God, "walk with me, talk to me".
Yesterday as I read about The Beloved Disciple John I felt excited, so much so I just had to stand up as I read. Then I began to pace and sway back and forth. Soon I realized The Spirit was teaching me something and my entire body was responding to the education, it was real I felt it, it was awesome, I loved it. Completely humble I am in awe of God. The more I walk with HIM the more HE talks to me. Whether it be via a message at church. Or maybe an answer to a question asked during life group. Most often it is when I am in HIS word, or studying up on my family in the bible via another text. I feel God is always eager to walk with us and talk to us if indeed we are walking with HIM and talking to HIM.
I have so very much to learn and by GOD'S grace The Spirit is always eager to teach. If I can just get it thru my head that walking with GOD and talking to GOD, is infinately wiser than asking HIM to walk with me and talk to me. I am limited to my ability to walk, I am but flesh, and my talk is only of the world, the right hear and right now. Oh Oh Oh if I could wrap my head around the awesome adventure of walking with GOD and talking to GOD, HE is so much more, HE shows me so much more than my poor little mind can even fathom.
Today Lord I am overwhelmed by your constant desire for me to walk with YOU and talk to YOU. I am so grateful for the open invitation to join you, to be blessed by YOUR very presence in my day. Lord I am just floored by YOUR love and YOUR holiness, that a flesh covered woman can experience YOU at all is love in every sense of the word. Thank you GOD.

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