Monday, October 20, 2008

without any thinking on my part :)

How do I know when it's God's voice? Well most times it's when an answer is instant, clear, genius. Just the genius part lets me know it wasn't of my own gray matter. Then the clear part and the instant part pretty much cinch it up for me. My own thoughts are very rarely clear, and even more rare are they instant. I struggle with decision, then doubt kinda lingers about trying to nudge me away from clarity.

'cept when I'm in church, listening and whammo a question I have been gnawing away at is answered. Or in a bible study and I am blessed by an ahhhh.ha moment. Or it could be while reading HIS word and wondering what in the world HE'S going to use this for. My favorite is when I am praying and HE answers questions I didn't even ask !!! How HE knows I need to know this stuff before I ever ask is a constant thrill for me.

Last night in life group HE let me know I needed to start praying for faith. Faith that will remain sure and complete during a challenge. God said to pray for this faith before a challenge, to pray for this faith during a challenge and to pray for this faith after a challenge. Not to wait till I am knee deep in troubled waters before I begin to pray for steadfast faith. Now I'll admit I get scared when GOD says pray for an enduring faith, wouldn't you? But then HE guides me and says do not worry about troubles, just pray for faith. So without any thinking on my part I just will pray for faith, because HE said so.

God today I am grateful for your guidance, your love and your absolute knowledge of whats best for me and when. God today I am grateful for your love and mercy. You know what I need and let me know what I should be doing.

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