Monday, August 25, 2008

ahhh the serenity of a scheduled day.

AAHHH School has started and peace has resumed residence in my home from 8am to 4pm. I am grateful. I love my kids and really enjoy sharing time with them. But the summer monthes, as they progress the boys get bored, start to bicker, complain about things. So this school days stuff thrills me. They have stuff to do, then come home and are happy to be here. Granted getting thru homework time is a challenge I have yet to master. Patience, my mom says is a flower that does not grow in my garden, huh I say. Each year I plant the seed, tend to my patience with much prayer and try not to kick myself when I fail.
My hubby and I relieve each other if we notice the others patience about worn thru. I'm telling you these teachers are angels from God himself to do this day in and day out. And a summer off is just about enough time for God to restore them in time for the new school year. Today I am grateful for school and for teachers. I'm grateful for quiet in my home and to enjoy a full uninterupted conversation with my hubby:) I'm grateful for so much my list goes on much longer than any list of complaints I could put together, praise God.

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