Wednesday, August 6, 2008

It just keeps getting better :) :)

Have you ever been just walking thru your day, hum drum. Not really noticing the beauty of God in your day? I have, often, if I'm being honest. Kinda like this hike we were on, it was hot. The hike seemed never-ending. Lots of trees, hills, dirt, and heat, I did mention it was hot right? Then like a whisper to remember, to really open my eyes, it appeared. This flower type thingy. It was beautiful, the picture doesn't capture how vibrant it was. How solitary it seemed at first. Then my eyes were open to the greens and browns. To the life going on within this hike. Ants, birds, spiders. All right there as big as life, and I almost missed it. The whole temperature of the hike changed at the site of this flower. No longer did I grumble at each hill, or wonder why someone would hike this trail. It became a wonderland of smells, visuals, sounds.

So you see today I am so grateful for God grabbing my attention when I'm not paying attention. For Him opening my eyes to "see" Him at work all thru my day. I absolutely am in love with Him and His genius ways.

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