Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Grateful for the "Good News"

So many people tell me I should watch the news, read the papers, and I gotta tell ya I don't like to. More often than not I will avoid the paper. The news I watch just enough to get the weather and even then I am forced to see pictures that can stay with me all day if not longer.
I just don't get what is so unsensational about God at work that it doesn't make the papers? Why isn't there a missionary section to the paper? Why don't new believers grace our papers? I'm sure there are magazines I can subscribe to that would give me this info but why don't I see it in the Dallas news? My husband reads that paper front to back and shares with me the items he believes I would like to talk about without being offended. I gotta say there must be alot of offensive stuff in there because he shares only a little bit with me. Mostly I like to hear the "love is" cartoon.
I'm not naive, I've lived thru stories that people have read about. Child abuse, divorce, drugs, criminal activities and jail time. I could be on Montel exposing the reality of a past directed by satan.
What I am grateful for today is the very huge reality of the good news found in the bible, can you dig it? I mean I am thrilled to spend my morning reading His news. I know I have to stay current to be relavent, so says many and maybe I should. But just the weather is enough for me. Other than that you can find me in His word gleening an eduacation on His ways and happily avoiding the tragic pictures and words the world sends out daily. Is todays "news"paper so different from yesterday, or even tomorrows? It is all heart-breaking stuff that can fill you with a weight that makes your back bend with sorrow. I say if you want to be bent over start on your knees and you shall be lifted by His word and it will lift you daily.
This is my opinion and my thoughts. I know many who read several different prints to get the worldly news. I guess my prayer is that these same people are spending equal time in His news to really have a God perspective on their day. I have alot of learning to do alot of studying to understand more.

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