Tuesday, September 16, 2008

WOW !!!!!! I'm in love and it seems new everyday !!!

Here I am hiking up Yosemite Falls 3-4 years ago, before we moved to Texas. It was a challenge, and it hurt, made me all sweaty (I don't like that),but... Every view point was beautiful. Some view points just took your breath away. The smells were delightful, it was worth every blister and sore muscle. This picture was not even 1/2 way up, I just needed a rest and called it a photo op. I think today God uses these experiences to say "Lisa if it's hard and you get tired it's more than okay to stop for a moment, rest, and look around at everything else I'm doing, breathe it in, restore yourself, then get up and go on because each stop will blow you away, the beauty is there, just stop and look at it."
This threads of gratitude thing God started and God is doing is a treat for me to watch, as threads come back to me and I get to see God adding people I am just breathless. Smiles cross my face and I move on, restored in Him, seeing Him at work. What a blessing, a wonderful wonderful blessing. So after I sit for a moment and read these emails I move on, God has more to show me, and even the sweaty shirts don't bother me (so much), the blisters barely register as I move on towards the next place.
Today I am grateful that God knows when I may need to rest and is eager to show me the view of His work while I restore myself. Today I am gratefully blessed.

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