Thursday, September 11, 2008

such a geek :)

Are you ready to be a geek for God? Thats how I feel almost all the time, like a geek. But I gotta say it's awesome, beautiful, kinda like these flowers, just a joy to see.
Last night the fall semeter of womens bible study began and I was so giggly and hyper, just over-joyed to be back with my girls and meeting even more great ladies. A beautiful thing has begun and boy am I geeky about it. This study has a big book, kinda intimidating at first glance, but then I thought"wow, we got some learning about to happen here". Today Lord I am so grateful for more to learn, for the reality of knowing you want to spend more time with me( because I'm a simple girl this study is going to mean alot of time with Him just trying to wrap my noodle around it). Yes there are moments when my day is filled with other stuff, but to serve a Lord that has an increasing desire to spend MORE time with me, even though He knows my past and my present? I am tempted to feel unworthy but thats just satan trying to get thru on "call-waiting" as I talk to God. y'know what I mean? I am worthy if He wants this from me, and I am able to move that other stuff around a bit to make room for my Maker. Oh Lord I am grateful, face on the floor, filled with awe grateful for you and to you.

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