Thursday, December 18, 2008

Grateful for friends

Today I am grateful for friends that make me giggle. I go to my sweet friends blog and read her kicking and nudging her way into gratitude and I just smile outloud into a fit of giggles. Wanna laugh too? Go to
There are mornings it is tough to FEEL grateful, to wrap the warm blessings of The Most High around you and know you are HIS.
Everyone would much prefer a promised tomorrow over a blessed today, myself included. Financial security is important, it can rob you of "The Moment" you might be sharing with your child, or your neighbor. Today I want to keep my focus on my "daily" bread as opposed to worry about tomorrow's. Today Lord I want to hear my children laughing and enjoy it instead of hearing it as noise while I'm busy stressing out.
Today Father I am grateful for today. I am grateful for children making noise, being happy and excited. Today God I'm grateful to not be alone in a snowy field, but in the company of fellow believers that make me giggle.

Friday, December 12, 2008

growing can be NO fun

This picture goes from being beautiful to me, than not so beautiful. Today -I get this picture. Today I feel the process of learning a lesson can make you feel buried, make you feel surrounded by dirt. Growing can make you feel physically changed, mentally beat. But ah.....wait ???
Growing means you are expanding into more wisdom, growing means you are being taught a lesson. I can see where I will be grateful to have learned such a lesson, I can see where I needed to change, to grow. Can I say I like the process? No. Can I say it's been easy to praise Him throughout all this? No
Can I see a light at the end of this? Yes. Well okay maybe I can not visually see a light, or even the end of this, but I trust that it will end, I trust this life lesson will have an end. I trust my Father to take what has been hard, really hard for me and make it something beautiful. I trust I will look back at this as a small price to pay for a greater understanding of my ways and where I made a mistake. It is this trust I hold onto, it is this fact that He will prevail I hold dear. It is this complete faith in God that will give me strength to keep going, pushing my way thru the dirt to bloom one day. I am HIS, and HE will bring me to bloom for HIS purpose, I promise you this is fact.
Today God I am grateful for learning, I am grateful YOU teach me, I am grateful for love so powerful satan must bow down before it. I am grateful that satan can come six guns a blasting and God has offered me HIS full armor. What an honor, to be saved , to be loved, to be a child of GOD.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Oh that HIS ear is on me I'm humbled to my knees.

Today I am grateful for friends that pray for me and with me. I'm grateful to God for being quick to convict me when I'm just not paying attention.
I have begun this my third attempt at posting and words fail me. Yeah if you know me you too are shocked by this. God is directing me to listen more, again.
Clearly I remember the beginning of the year when I was beginning a new study and God told me to shut up. He did try asking me to be quiet repeatedly, but, well like an over excited child I did not hear him thru all my chatter. Clearly I began to hear Him say shut up Lisa, listen to me speak directly to you thru these people. Listen for it, you'll know it's me the minute the words are spoken, but ya gotta shut up and listen.
Today Lord I am grateful when you take extra time to reach me, when I miss the first few attempts you do not just blow me off, you continue to reach out to me and offer help.

Today Father that I may be more tuned into You is my heart-felt prayer. That I don't miss your direction while attempting to find my own way. Lord I'm grateful to be able to reach up to you and know that forever your hand and heart are right there eagerly awaiting me to come to you. Lord, Most High I am grateful for a love I am unable to comprehend or feel worthy of, yet know is there.
When the cold wind blows and the snow falls, when barely another creature sees me and knows I am chilled to the bone, You Lord know me and see me. You Lord offer me shelter and peace. Thank you Lord.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Turkey day without apple pie?

The table was beautiful, family was just finishing dinner, and out came dessert. Now keep in mind God asked me to not eat anymore chocolate. 1st pie, chocolate silk pie, pies 2 and 3 chocolate custard type pies, pie 3 pumpkin cheesecake turtle pie, with chocolate and pecans on top!!!! Oh Lord, am I to go dessertless on Thanksgiving? Is that allowed? I think there's a law that mandates dessert on Thanksgiving. What am I to do?
Then my hubby seeing the panic in my face, the room I had saved for dessert was at risk of not being filled. He casually scrapes the beautiful topping of pecans and chocolate from the pumpkin cheesecake and I slice a sliver for my "dessert place".
Today Lord I am grateful for a husband that may not agree that you spoke to me about chocolate, but supports it anyway, and without hesitation helps me out.
I need to ask, has tradition gone so far away that pumpkin and apple pie have been replaced? I loved that part of the meal just as much as I do the Turkey. Next year I am probably not making either, but I will certainly buy both!!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

someone to laugh with.

Today Father I am grateful for friends to laugh with. In the midst of a stormy season what a blessing this is. A good belly laugh is always a good thing. In the valley of a heavy season, it is a great thing. Lord, only your timing can provide such necessary relief from sorrow.
Thank you for friends I can laugh with. Thank you for opportunities to serve. Thank you for the many many blessings you have given to me and those I know. Laughter is indeed one of my favorites.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Be careful little one .

Be wary child, watch for deceit, watch for danger, keep your eyes on the heavens for surely that is where your peace comes from.
As God gives me directives I must be so very careful not to allow my flesh, or even worse, satan trick me into not submitting faithfully.
God says "Lisa, eat for health to sustain a body ready to serve." Flesh says "surely God wants you to enjoy a treat or two, after all you have been good all day".
God says" Lisa, chocolate is an addiction of yours, give it up." Satan whispers" Surely God did not mean ALL chocolate, after all dark chocolate is now said to be good for you".
My best is God's only intention, therefor if God says it, it must be the best. Be wary child not to allow my mind, thats made up of the world, to re-invent God's path for me. Be careful not to allow my mind to bend HIS word, HIS directive for me to make my path easier for a moment.
If I begin in any moment to twist or bend, alter in anyway what I know is from HIM may I recognize the craftiness of satan and turn a deaf ear to him. For some these tasks may seem simple, to me maybe not at all.
Today Father am I ever grateful for your word that says you will never ask of me what you have not already equipped me to bring to pass. Lord, that you go before me and with me to every place You send me. God thank you for the ability to see satan and call him on his deceit. You have given me the power to not run from him, but instead covered me in your armor to defeat him. Today Lord, thank you for telling me to keep a watchfull eye and ear out for him, as surely as you give me a task he will try to prevent me from doing as You ask. Thank you for warning me that he is there, and Lord thank you for the power to defeat him :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

oh my goodness !!!!

Sometimes I see pictures like this and am in awe. So beautiful are the blues and greens. So powerful is the horse as it runs thru the water. Some of my favorite times are out in nature, completely separate from man's creation, totally surrounded by HIS creation. Lord today I am grateful for the display of YOUR love for us, in the colors YOU created for us. For the flowers, mountains, skies, waters. YOU could have made it any old way, but instead YOU have given us sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound of YOUR majesty in every direction we could see. Father thank YOU for the glory of YOUR creation. To see YOUR work is humbling, makes a woman weep, tears of awe as I sit back and see YOU. Oh how very beautiful a place, YOUR tender heart in every trace.

Friday, November 7, 2008


While my ways may not appear full of grace, make no mistake my Father has been generous with me in His grace. The very reality that He is there for me, to walk with, carries me when I stumble, brushes the gravel from my knees, and places me square on my feet after I fall, is proof in real life that He is with me. To watch me struggle with flesh is like watching this bird do its best to fly. You already know I can not soar with eagles on my own. But have you seen my spirit soar? Have you felt my heart when I am connected to Him? This beauty is not visible by my flight, but by my spirit. My joy leaps from me in song, it floats in me when I'm in His word. My spirit is an event like I've never known. The audience of angels praise Him, my flesh falls to the floor in His presence. The Holy Spirit rejoices within the walls as we gather together to praise Him. Yes, to see me you may see this awkward bird flapping away trying to gain flight, but yet your eyes are on me, as your spirit along with mine have hope that yes I will fly, because if little ol' unworthy me can catch flight than you can too. Fear not for me, for my Lord has taken me to new heights, challenged me into new flights, stays with me as I try, and try and try......

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

a month of Thanksgiving :)

Digging deep for gratitude when none is at the top of my mind is hard, fun, challenging, necessary. Yes, I have much to be grateful for, the list is not too far from my mind. Yet on days when I'm not feeling it, where is my focus?

These are the days I must begin with everyday things, things I should be humbled by. Am I not grateful for health when so many are ill? Am I not grateful for food, when so very many are hungry? Am I not grateful for the freedom to worship, so many are in prisons for seeking this same freedom?

Today Father I am grateful for life, love, and for Your generous Spirit. Father today I pray for the faith of the hungry, the faith of those that are sick, Father for the faith of the imprisoned. Today I am grateful for faith when so much is going great for me. May I continue to have faith in a season of loss? Father today I am grateful for all the blessings You have given me, Your love humbles this unworthy sinner, I love you, amen.

Friday, October 31, 2008

amazed each time I focus on HIS glory.

HE paints without a brush or paint. HE evokes emotion so powerful it can brings you to your knees. HIS lakes and oceans beauty can bring water to your eyes. HIS color brightens a dreary day to the point of laughter.
So much is there in this world to focus on, dare I take a minute to focus on HIM? Just a moment to take my eyes off the world man has caused, but instead see HIS Glory everywhere.
Birds still sing, dogs still wag their tails, trees still worship in changing color. Do we not see we are the only species all a flutter? We are in the very eye of the storm we brought about and now we cry "oh Lord where art thou"? Just as a child gets caught up in his own mischief only to then cry out for a parent do we now cry out "Lord Help me?" Then we go about the normal daily grind of satans music, I feel like the organ grinders monkey, please stop the organ God !!!
Lord today I am grateful for your absolute beauty, for you showing me who I am and who I was created to be. Lord I'm grateful for your tender heart as you give me a clearer picture of myself. Lord today I am most grateful for the lamp unto my feet, for your ever present direction. Father you are my light, my love, my life. May I ever turn to you, and more so never allow myself to far from your love, this is my prayer, amen

Friday, October 24, 2008

walk with me to me...

Sometimes I can feel God saying "walk with me, talk to me". Other times I feel myself saying to God, "walk with me, talk to me".
Yesterday as I read about The Beloved Disciple John I felt excited, so much so I just had to stand up as I read. Then I began to pace and sway back and forth. Soon I realized The Spirit was teaching me something and my entire body was responding to the education, it was real I felt it, it was awesome, I loved it. Completely humble I am in awe of God. The more I walk with HIM the more HE talks to me. Whether it be via a message at church. Or maybe an answer to a question asked during life group. Most often it is when I am in HIS word, or studying up on my family in the bible via another text. I feel God is always eager to walk with us and talk to us if indeed we are walking with HIM and talking to HIM.
I have so very much to learn and by GOD'S grace The Spirit is always eager to teach. If I can just get it thru my head that walking with GOD and talking to GOD, is infinately wiser than asking HIM to walk with me and talk to me. I am limited to my ability to walk, I am but flesh, and my talk is only of the world, the right hear and right now. Oh Oh Oh if I could wrap my head around the awesome adventure of walking with GOD and talking to GOD, HE is so much more, HE shows me so much more than my poor little mind can even fathom.
Today Lord I am overwhelmed by your constant desire for me to walk with YOU and talk to YOU. I am so grateful for the open invitation to join you, to be blessed by YOUR very presence in my day. Lord I am just floored by YOUR love and YOUR holiness, that a flesh covered woman can experience YOU at all is love in every sense of the word. Thank you GOD.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The depth of HIS sorrow...

Oh it must be tough watching all this from above, from HIS place of love.
To see HIS children spend lifetimes needing to beg, sometimes steal, other times borrow.
As I glance towards the skies hoping to catch a glimpse of HIM, I wonder are there tears in HIS eyes?
I admit sometimes I have wondered "how can God allow all this", other times I ache for HIM because we are HIS and HE watches all this happen.
To see your child hurt can break a parents heart, God is our Father how does HE stand all HIS pain?
Israel oh Israel when will you call upon HIM as The Most High?
In the beginning of learning about these wondering disobediant Israelites I was so hasty to judge, "how could they be this way?" To see God daily, to have HIS daily bread every morning, and still disobey? You are HIS chosen, be humbled and serve.
Lord, my Father, today I am grateful that you have given me an Israelite view of myself. I am wondering about my desert, seeing you daily and still not completely being obediant to you. I know of Your glory firsthand, I have felt the tenderness of your powerful hand in my life, I am just like an Israelite. God I am your chosen child, we all are, just like the Israelites. God today I am grateful for you showing me I am judging myself ,I am just like them. With one exception: I am blessed with their history in writing, YOUR word is there to teach me, to allow me to not judge them but attempt to learn from their mistakes. Today I am grateful for YOUR word, and the blessings you give us thru it.

Monday, October 20, 2008

without any thinking on my part :)

How do I know when it's God's voice? Well most times it's when an answer is instant, clear, genius. Just the genius part lets me know it wasn't of my own gray matter. Then the clear part and the instant part pretty much cinch it up for me. My own thoughts are very rarely clear, and even more rare are they instant. I struggle with decision, then doubt kinda lingers about trying to nudge me away from clarity.

'cept when I'm in church, listening and whammo a question I have been gnawing away at is answered. Or in a bible study and I am blessed by an ahhhh.ha moment. Or it could be while reading HIS word and wondering what in the world HE'S going to use this for. My favorite is when I am praying and HE answers questions I didn't even ask !!! How HE knows I need to know this stuff before I ever ask is a constant thrill for me.

Last night in life group HE let me know I needed to start praying for faith. Faith that will remain sure and complete during a challenge. God said to pray for this faith before a challenge, to pray for this faith during a challenge and to pray for this faith after a challenge. Not to wait till I am knee deep in troubled waters before I begin to pray for steadfast faith. Now I'll admit I get scared when GOD says pray for an enduring faith, wouldn't you? But then HE guides me and says do not worry about troubles, just pray for faith. So without any thinking on my part I just will pray for faith, because HE said so.

God today I am grateful for your guidance, your love and your absolute knowledge of whats best for me and when. God today I am grateful for your love and mercy. You know what I need and let me know what I should be doing.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

oh the Joy of hearing Him speak.

It's a funny thing to be so overjoyed about discipline. Thru so many people, verses, and books have I heard God speaking to me. Granted it's Him telling me what has to happen at the very real possibility of losing my job, but still I'm thrilled He's speaking to me. It's very comforting to know that even when I make a dumb mistake (which by the way I have learned lots from) God is still there calling me to a road of correctness. He's not mad, just anxious that I not allow this to get any worse. Oh and can I shout with JOY that in the midst of my stupidity God has showered me with His grace in another area of my life. God has my husband talking to me about faith and the word!!!! Yeah I know, to be given this supreme blessing in the midst of my stupidity is just like Him. God knows I need to be able to talk to my husband about this stuff, He knows my husband needs Him even if right now he doesn't necessarily want Him.
God has been very clear on whats expected of me, and I plan on delivering that, if my job is the only thing I lose I am grateful. But even more better, if my husband begins to share in my faith I will have come out gaining so much more than I lose.
Today God I am grateful for your attentiveness, you are not allowing me to guess at all, I am clear on your command on this. And God, how you have decided to be so generous with me is beyond my comprehension, but if you have deemed it than I will receive it with praise and gratitude.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

waiting...watching...wondering...knowing...trusting :)

As I sit and wait to see how the Lord will get me thru things, watching for His mighty hand to mold each situation. Wondering what will happen next, I am blessed to know He loves me, that His desire is always what will be best for me. Whether it is the path I would've chosen or not, I trust that what He does is in His best interest for me. God today I am grateful to know that as I put one foot in front of the other in faith, whether the road be lined with delight or things that distress me, I can walk in faith that this is by love, that I am going to get to the other side of this closer to you, looking back and knowing your love was with me. You sent the counselor to assure me, remind me, love me and guide me. You sent your son here to wear flesh and show me the way, you sacrificed Him to take away my sin. God your love is so overwhelming to comprehend, but today I am grateful that even though I can not comprehend it's magnitude, i can rejoice because I know it to be real.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

and the beat goes on.....

It's fairly easy to allow anger/ negativity to boil over. It would not be hard to get on a roll and just go on and on about what I may see or feel as wrong/unfair. But I have come to see that as dance music for satan. And the beat goes on if we allow it, satan gets down at our expense. Funny his happiness is ALWAYS at the expense of our happiness. Catching myself before I really begin to sink in self pity is an awesome blessing. Feeling myself settle into the muck of discouragement is so unsettling. Cool thing is I can always pull myself up by my boot straps with a simple word or two of gratitude. Then as if eager to wash the muck completely away and stop satans dance party I begin to list more and more reasons, realities I'm so grateful for, then as if a new song plays, the beat is mine, a joyful noise. See me, I'm dancing to the gift of worship, to the sound of praise. satan no longer is dancing, he is stomping mad, then in the presence of the Most High, satan must leave, I've made it known he is not welcome at my dance party. Gratitude is catchy and soon my neighbors will see my dance and ask me what I'm listening to. They will want to join the celebration too.
God today I am grateful for the opportunity to live like I'm at your party, to not allow satan in, and to make others not only welcome but eager to see whats it's all about.
Lord, thank you for the responses I receive to threads of gratitude, thank you for giving me this window into your workroom, that I may see The Master at work.

Friday, October 3, 2008

on those days??

During "those days" when I may not feel His presence, I seek Him. Mornings when I feel more alone than others I have learned to seek Him. I reach into His word for Him. I will begin counting blessings to remember His grace. I will read a blog, or dive into a study or just open my eyes to see Him around me. My children are eating breakfast, by the grace of God they have food and vitamins:). My boys ready themselves for school, by God's grace they have an opportunity to enrich their minds:) The morning is chilly, by the grace of God we have shelter:). Then as I bathe myself in His love I begin to "feel" Him. Silly me I'm not alone, I'm just not open to Him, so I begin to open my eyes to see Him. I'm not sure I will ever be able to really feel as the prophets of our past did when they physically heard His voice, or saw Him, until I enter heaven. But the humbling of my physical body, the tears that water my heart are very real when I am sure He is with me. To witness Him at work is a thrill I will ever seek, my body quakes with emotion, tears just fall from my eyes I am blessed to know on "those days" I can look back to moments when I was as certain as anything ever before that my Father is real, my Father is personal, and my Father seeks me. I can say that on "those days", I hang tight to my absolute faith in Him being there, and me just needing to seek Him. Today God I am grateful for Your love. and Father today I am grateful for bloggers that share their faith and testimonies with everyone so that on "those days" when I may not feel you I can rest in the fact that you are hard at work, trying to bring us all home:)

Monday, September 29, 2008

It can be scary....or it can just be an experience.

This is a picture of my hubby, cute as a bug and joking around in this pic. Now we both had faith in that one foot holding him in place while I got the picture. Faith....what an exquisite reality we have available to us. Today God I am grateful for faith in you, faith that can change something from being scary and incredibly unpredictible to an experience of getting to know more of you. It is so hard sometimes to not try and control situations, to take back what we've lifted up to God in prayer. Patience is a refiner of faith in God I believe. I've caught myself not completely letting go of a situation, ya'know just in case God was busy:). Picking up a task I left at the cross because I felt God could use a hand. While my mistakes will continue because at my own hand I'm an idiot, lost without a map. Today I'm grateful God reveals my mis-steps to me and will not easily let go of something I have given Him to handle for me. God reminds me of reasons I left it with Him in the first place. My God is faithful, my God is true. I know this because of the verses He is storing away in my heart. Memorizing verses for the first time since I was a child. I'm not exactly sure why He is storing away these particular ones but I trust Him enough to hold tight to them. Plus now that He put those there I feel ready for more. Life can be scary, watching the news can send you to the nearest piece of chocolate. Faith assures me that this is an experience that He will see me thru. I take faith in the Lord my God over scary anyday :) Thank you God I am grateful for You.

Friday, September 26, 2008

a break in the heart, a healing God.

Today God woke me up asking to be first. I mean time in His word, which I've been doing, but to do it before anything else. Thus far I have taken a moment to make a cup of coffee to enjoy while reading His word, but today He said me first. So with groggy eyes and a belly growling for coffee I stepped into Him. I am reading Exodus and am in chapter 21. I'm not exactly sure why God wanted me to read about all His commandments and other rules before coffee, but I know it will make sense later. I do know God has been laying the word obediance and faith on me alot lately. Is He in His infinate wisdom laying down the ground work for something to come? Absolutely !!! Do I trust Him that it is important to take heed now to reap later, absolutely!!! God is asking me things and I am being obediant and my faith is growing and God is asking me things and I am being obediant and my faith is growing, what a wonderful cycle dontcha think?
This morning I read of a friends husband having cancer, my heart broke a little for her and her husband and family. Then God said I have a plan, I am the healer, all will be done to serve my plan, and I felt better.
I'm not sure what Gods plan is for me, and to be honest I do not want to know, ever. You see our God see's so much more in us than we can see in ourselves. We can see a step, but the whole plan might overwhelm us, might make us slip up because we do not agree. But a step we can handle.
God today I am grateful for each step and for the mercy and grace of you allowing us to see back to how far we've come because of you. May I trust in your plan and be grateful for the sole task of taking a step.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

feeling better, but wonder if ???

Sometimes I want to share the really cool things God is doing in me and I feel...I don't know like I'm bragging sometimes, but I'm not. God has been so generous with me that I just want to shout from the rooftops how awesome He is. During bible study we have women dealing with peaks, some in valleys and some just wondering in the desert it seems, so I feel bad being so happy, so amazed. Then I feel compeled to share and I feel these looks?
God has opened my eyes to His word, to the joy of studying Him and getting to know Him. As far as possesions and things my life has not changed, it's my view that has, and I feel so blessed. I share so that they see it's there, for anyone, I'm not special at all. I do not want this joy lessened by "these looks" so my prayer today is to keep on keeping on being happy, joyful. God today I am grateful for You, Your word and the joy of getting to know You, thank you Lord.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

figuring it out...well figuring this out :)

Okay so I'm still feeling the icks, but God has given me a plan. My level of energy to get thru each day is minimal due to the icks. So...God being genius and knowing I need Him even more (ya know to whine on His shoulder that I feel these icks) told me to do my reading first, followed by my studies and I will be better for it. Okay so I still feel the icks BUT, yesterday was worse cuz I had trudged thru the day reading a bit here, studying a bit there, feeling bad because I wasn't "into" doing it at all. Today I did that first, so even though my flesh feels the icks, my spirit has been lifted, get it?
Today God I am grateful for a spirit that can be in me and not feel these icks. Today I am grateful for friends that pray for me and the blessing of praying for them. Oh and God I'm grateful you got me to lunch with some friends to enjoy their company even though a nap is what my flesh wanted yesterday. Thank you God, I love you.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

praising God when I feel yucky.

Feeling yucky is not much fun. I'm tired although I slept atleast 8 hours. My body is a bit shaky and well it's ucky. Days like these are sometimes hard to lift my bible and open it to read God's word. Then to do the life group workbook and womens bible study seems difficult too, but I do them. Not because I'm some champ, or even studious at all. I do them because I love God, I long to know more about Him, to learn more about my ancestry. Today is tough cuz my hands are shaky. But these are the days I need Him more, these are the times I get beyond myself and into obediance.
God today I am grateful for my spirit reaching out to connect with you although my flesh seems to say it would be okay to let just this day pass without reading or studying. Today God I am grateful that a willing spirit trumps a ucky flesh everytime. May your word be a tonic to my soul, may whatever you teach me today be a lesson my flesh needed to hear. Today God I am grateful to have you, and love you.

Friday, September 19, 2008

sketch artist.

I wish I had a sketch book or photo album of the wonderful pictures God gives me. A place to leaf thru and see what He showed me and when. Or to write down each thing He says. Sometimes there not words so much as a feeling. I don't know maybe I'll just jot down things as they come. Today God said with His full armor on we can walk away from these spats with satan completely unharmed, as a matter of fact He said we could leave His scent on satan. Kinda like being around a smoker, after you part company the scent of the smoker is on you, you need to bath and do laundry to remove it.
I've mentioned a friend before her name is flower (in my head). Recently I saw her in a picture being blown about by winds, barely hanging on, and God said all she would give to these winds was her fragrance. What a treat God has affirmed to me that I could, only thru Him, walk away from satan and leave my scent on him !!!! Does it sound crazy? Probably, but its true.
Today God I am grateful for the gift, the infinate blessing of the priviledge of putting on your full armor. Today God I am grateful for the cute cartoon you gave me of satan walking away from me, defeated and smelling of your love. All things are possible thru He who loves me.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

it is overwhelming...but please overwhelm me again and again.

God is opening my eyes to see Him at work and it is overwhelming to see such a confirmation of Him. Monday mornings I send out a threads of gratitude email to friends, co-workers, sisters, loved ones. Each time someone replies with their own list of gratitude I get to see it, see Him at work. Sometimes I'm reduced to a heap of tears, bawling with amazement, sometimes I chuckle at how amazing He is. But the best part is knowing that it's all Him.
This is a picture near the bottom of bridal veil Falls in Yosemite, and I could've sat there all day listening to the sounds, watching the movement of the water, the smells of nature like a tonic for my soul. Most pictures I share on this blog involve nature, because that is when I felt closest to God. More and more God is blessing me with the priviledge of feeling close to Him here at home, y'know in the city, around people and noise and lets face it some unpleasant smells. God is showing me His beauty can be seen everywhere. Its trully amazing for me to learn this, love this. I still long for days near a lake, or on a mountain, just a bit away from it all. But to have this when I'm not hiking or biking or "on vacation" is awesome.
Today God I am tickled to a point of side aches and tears that you continue to reveal your works to me, scratch that, that my eyes are now opened to see your works, they have never been hiding, just not seen by me. I love you Lord and am grateful for Your grace and mercy.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

WOW !!!!!! I'm in love and it seems new everyday !!!

Here I am hiking up Yosemite Falls 3-4 years ago, before we moved to Texas. It was a challenge, and it hurt, made me all sweaty (I don't like that),but... Every view point was beautiful. Some view points just took your breath away. The smells were delightful, it was worth every blister and sore muscle. This picture was not even 1/2 way up, I just needed a rest and called it a photo op. I think today God uses these experiences to say "Lisa if it's hard and you get tired it's more than okay to stop for a moment, rest, and look around at everything else I'm doing, breathe it in, restore yourself, then get up and go on because each stop will blow you away, the beauty is there, just stop and look at it."
This threads of gratitude thing God started and God is doing is a treat for me to watch, as threads come back to me and I get to see God adding people I am just breathless. Smiles cross my face and I move on, restored in Him, seeing Him at work. What a blessing, a wonderful wonderful blessing. So after I sit for a moment and read these emails I move on, God has more to show me, and even the sweaty shirts don't bother me (so much), the blisters barely register as I move on towards the next place.
Today I am grateful that God knows when I may need to rest and is eager to show me the view of His work while I restore myself. Today I am gratefully blessed.

Monday, September 15, 2008

God is Good....amen

I am just so grateful today. Saturday was a great day, then Sunday's lesson from Bruce was great, God is talking to me and I'm just as excited as all get out that He is.
First I want to say that I'm so sorry for the good people that live in southern Texas right now, Ike came ashore and was destructive. I'm grateful Ike did not get as strong as the news people said it might, enough destruction was wreaked upon our coast. My prayers are with them.
I am grateful that most people took head and left when warned.

Now, I want to say that I'm grateful God is working my planner as opposed to me working God into my planner. Ever since I decided to really get into His word, study it so I can know Him more, He has provided me the time to do it. I don't know how. My day is still busy, I work, have kids and a husband, but it's all working out. God is allowing me to study more and more and still the shopping gets done, laundry is done, my house is clean, dog gets fed, I work. AND, yeah get this, I have time to enjoy my family. I mean its like I have time to get everything done, study Gods word, and hang out with the kids. Each Saturday morning we are just going bike riding, or I take them to the skatepark and they skate while I read my bible. Its amazing, I'm not stressed about "quality time" , I'm enjoying quality time. There's a big difference. I am excited, I mean thrilled to absolute delight that God handles all this and I'm not mad at all that He does it a gazillion times better than me. Do I have days that seem a bit full? Yes But I pray and peace is there, just knowing that I need to let go of the planner and let Him do His thing is HUGE.

Friday, September 12, 2008

thankful for the opportunity...

Have you ever woke up from a nightmare, a reminder of your own past and thought to yourself " not today satan, you are not bringing me down today by throwing that crud at me". Well I have, many many many a time. Or have you seen a child being loved thru an accident( spilt milk) as opposed to the reprimanding you might have done just yesterday?
This kinda stuff has been a tool of satans for far too long in my life. Recently in a study a revelation absolutely freed me. Not a verse from the book in the bible although that happens as often . But God showed me satan can only use the tools we leave unattended. Like mistakes, or poor choices and actions. So I've begun waking up from these with the ability to remove these tools, to dis-arm satan. The minute I wake up I am grateful for the reminder of things I need to seek forgiveness for. Quickly and earnestly I pray for forgiveness for that particular thing or action and quickly God assumes that tool for His purpose.
It is not a tool to bring me discouragement any longer, and if that crafty satan tries using it again I am quick to say oh silly serpent I am forgiven.
Today I am grateful to God for showing me the things I have long buried in the depths of me out of shame and guilt. Once they are brought up I can ask for forgiveness, I can beg for this to somehow be turned into a work of God, and I am freed from that stronghold. I am reminded that The Creator will Always claim victory over the crafty. amen. thank you Father.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

such a geek :)

Are you ready to be a geek for God? Thats how I feel almost all the time, like a geek. But I gotta say it's awesome, beautiful, kinda like these flowers, just a joy to see.
Last night the fall semeter of womens bible study began and I was so giggly and hyper, just over-joyed to be back with my girls and meeting even more great ladies. A beautiful thing has begun and boy am I geeky about it. This study has a big book, kinda intimidating at first glance, but then I thought"wow, we got some learning about to happen here". Today Lord I am so grateful for more to learn, for the reality of knowing you want to spend more time with me( because I'm a simple girl this study is going to mean alot of time with Him just trying to wrap my noodle around it). Yes there are moments when my day is filled with other stuff, but to serve a Lord that has an increasing desire to spend MORE time with me, even though He knows my past and my present? I am tempted to feel unworthy but thats just satan trying to get thru on "call-waiting" as I talk to God. y'know what I mean? I am worthy if He wants this from me, and I am able to move that other stuff around a bit to make room for my Maker. Oh Lord I am grateful, face on the floor, filled with awe grateful for you and to you.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Grateful for the "Good News"

So many people tell me I should watch the news, read the papers, and I gotta tell ya I don't like to. More often than not I will avoid the paper. The news I watch just enough to get the weather and even then I am forced to see pictures that can stay with me all day if not longer.
I just don't get what is so unsensational about God at work that it doesn't make the papers? Why isn't there a missionary section to the paper? Why don't new believers grace our papers? I'm sure there are magazines I can subscribe to that would give me this info but why don't I see it in the Dallas news? My husband reads that paper front to back and shares with me the items he believes I would like to talk about without being offended. I gotta say there must be alot of offensive stuff in there because he shares only a little bit with me. Mostly I like to hear the "love is" cartoon.
I'm not naive, I've lived thru stories that people have read about. Child abuse, divorce, drugs, criminal activities and jail time. I could be on Montel exposing the reality of a past directed by satan.
What I am grateful for today is the very huge reality of the good news found in the bible, can you dig it? I mean I am thrilled to spend my morning reading His news. I know I have to stay current to be relavent, so says many and maybe I should. But just the weather is enough for me. Other than that you can find me in His word gleening an eduacation on His ways and happily avoiding the tragic pictures and words the world sends out daily. Is todays "news"paper so different from yesterday, or even tomorrows? It is all heart-breaking stuff that can fill you with a weight that makes your back bend with sorrow. I say if you want to be bent over start on your knees and you shall be lifted by His word and it will lift you daily.
This is my opinion and my thoughts. I know many who read several different prints to get the worldly news. I guess my prayer is that these same people are spending equal time in His news to really have a God perspective on their day. I have alot of learning to do alot of studying to understand more.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Grateful to be challenged

My son Anthony is a real treat. This is him after his graduation ceremony from Navy league Cadet Corp Boot Camp. This is a jr program the U.S.Navy has for kids that want to learn about the Navy. They drill the 3rd weekend of each month and yes go to bootcamp for a week during the summer. As a mom I handled this week as a complete wimp, I called officers daily with concern. Anthony however handled this week away from mom like a champ. They do this at a real base with real military people doing real military things (on a downsized scale). Anthony is fearless to challenge, he always raises his hand at any opportunity to try something new.
Well I am learning to accept challenges as blessings. We have a new study on Hebrews in our life group and this workbook taunts me it seems. I am just not getting it, I mean week 1 day 1 has me challenged. Our pastor is without a doubt blessed big time intellectually, and his writing shows it. Me, well I'm not so blessed and the language, while english is hard for me to wrap my noodle around. 3 times yesterday I tried and was defeated . This morning God says try again Lisa, I am expanding you to learn more, try harder. If God believes I can do this than by His will I will do it. The bible says God will never ask more of me than I can give even if I believe I am unable. So again today I will try and today I will receive the blessing of a challenge faced and conquered. Today I am grateful to my heavenly father that does not let me sit things out, but props me up till I can stand. As my son stands in this picture between 2 of his commanding officers I want to bow down before my father some day so He can smile at me and say " see that wasn't so tough eh Lisa"

Monday, September 8, 2008

okay today is the 1st day I fished in bigger waters.

Fishing in a familiar pond is relaxing, fun, without surprise. Today is the first time I went into bigger waters with the Threads of Gratitude email. Some recipients are not people of faith, some are down right non believers. I think its those without God that give me most pause. Not because I'm worried God can not work with them, but because if they come to me with questions, doubts, negativity I need to go back with the right answer, something from scripture to guide them. God help me, guide me, be that most beautiful lamp unto my feet. Oh and since I have your ear Lord can you make this easier?
Today I am grateful for a spirit to serve.
Today I am grateful for a new life group to grow in and a great "get to know each other dinner last night.
Today I am grateful for a husband that still doesn't understand this but loves me enough to support this.

Friday, September 5, 2008

serenity of obediance

There is a calmness, a sweet serenity I feel when in obediance to my Father. Its like a warm blankie on a cool evening. Or that 1 piece of chocolate you allow yourself when dieting all month long. The world is still chaotic, homework is still a battle to be won, dinner needs to be made then cleaned up after, the daily chores still need to be done. All the while a peace covers me, a Father listens to me, and I feel serenity. This is a blessing I am overwhelmed with gratitude for.
This picture was taken from the deck of a ship we were on, a family vacation last year. Its quite humbling to be out in the midst of His ocean, nothing but water all around you, not even a bird travels this far away from land today. So tiny I felt, so far removed from my life. Yet on that boat, far from home He was just a prayer away, if even that far. I felt Him with me, like He was showing me a new perspective. I find it wonderful to know that even when my dearest earthly friend is a international call away @ $ 5.00/min. My Father is but a whisper away no matter where I am. And His excitement at showing me things is as if we are both seeing it for the first time, He is gentle that way. Father does His reprimanding, and boy can He prune me, but He also never hesitates to show me beauty as well.
I greet at my home church and there's a beauty He shows me every time, it's that of the children running into the church, smiling and bouncing there way into His house. I love it every time I see it and I hear Him saying "see their joy to be here" You my child should feel that joy in being here cuz I'm just inside those doors encouraging you with open arms saying "come to me".
Today I am grateful, so very grateful to be a child of God's.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

He thought it was Jesus ??

a Hail storm in a part of Kenya that just doesn't experience this type of weather,

"We thought a big white sheet had been spread, so we decided to come and see for ourselves. We thought that it was Jesus who had come back," one villager told reporters.

Oh the joy these villagers experienced for that moment, to see this white snow, to believe Jesus had come. To touch this cool treat from the heavens. The story goes on to say it was odd the ice lasted so long considering the heat there. These believers were brought sweet relief for that time. Maybe Jesus did not return, but I believe He was there, I believe He laid manna on their ground to provide a sweet treat for these, His children. Just reading the story and hearing that villager name Jesus as the reason for this odd season of weather touched my heart.

tears so close...all happy I am leaking !!!

All day I'm either crying happy tears or they are welling up in my eyes. God is at work and I am seeing this with my own eyes, can you dig it? Little old me, nothing special for sure but still granted the priviledge of beholding my Father at work. After hearing Him and taking steps to follow Him I got to witness Him. Its truly amazing each time I see it, and I'm grateful.

I gotta tell ya this morning after taking the first few steps in the direction He is sending me my heart hurt, physical pain. At first I panicked I'm very human in that way. Then God whispered to me"fear not silly girl, I'm just knocking down walls, reorganizing this mess, making myself more at home" Oh Lordy Lord did my eyes feel full of cleansing tears. I'm feeling these pains and know I'm not at risk but in the midst of being saved. I am 1 grateful girl, so very grateful I wish I could make you see this gratitude, it is beautiful.

a net and a brain :)

Ideas come in so many ways, most times I know if I don't stop and write it down I will forget them, all this genius gone without a trace :) Like the notion of only using 5% of our brain. God is absolute genius to only allow us this much on our own. Can you imagine what mayhem we would cause if we had more capacity to think? My 5% of brain activity is maxed out, so much so that the thought of studying the bible had me terrified. I mean I could not wrap my head around the language let alone the meaning. But...yesterday God told me not to worry, He would provide, and my guess is He's allowing me to tap into His reserve, the other 95%, because it's coming together in my mind, it's making sense. Dare I mention I'm reading 3 different things right now in an effort to atleast grasp 1 of them and glory be to God I'm getting it all. It is trully amazing and I am yes grateful.
The other idea God gave me is that of threads of gratitude. 1st I saw this as a way to begin a week in the right frame of mind and heart. A way to lift up all my joy to the very source of joy. Now, genius as He is, He has shown me a net, He is making me a fisherman of gratitude. This is a way to bring together a posture of gratitude, together in gratitude we are joyous. God wants these threads to be a net, to gather gratitude. It all makes perfect sense in my heart, my words might fail to clearly communicate this .
God is awesome, God is generous, God has and will provide all things necessary to serve Him, even brain capacity :) I am thankful.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


it's probably a bit hard to see why I love this picture, let me explain. Here we have a puppy and a husband that did not want to get a puppy. Both playing and both smiling and just having fun. (I'm almost positive Charlie is smiling anyway, I can't really see his face). I am grateful for each moment I see these two together. Charlie is close to 2 yrs old and many of these moments catch my eye. Never did it enter my mind that Tim would love Charlie the way Charlie loves Tim. I pictured Tim grumbling each day about this dog, making the decision to get him regrettable. Than God made this happen, God made Tim care for this dog when I was tired from getting up 3-4 times a night. Begrudgingly at first but soon Tims heart was smitten(he'll never admit it) Now I watch Charlie and Tim play, read the paper, just share time together and I'm reminded how God can make something I pictured so difficult, so very beautiful. Days when I think life is difficult I need to remember this picture and realize what the world can make difficult, God can make it beautiful. Thank you my sweet Father for revelations and brand new ways to see things. My love for you overflows.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Oh boy, a choice, how awesome.

What an awesome reality? I dared not ask for a choice, but just to serve. Then God said witness in the prisons Lisa go and share in there with those ladies. Well I dare not lie and type that I said "okay Lord as you wish". Nope I actually argued this choice of His with him for a year. God heard my cries and knew my fears and changed my location not the path necessarily. God said if not here than somewhere. Then as if He packed my bags, my move was effortless, seamless, completely the hand of God. @ years after we moved here the time has come to do this, first I had to find a way, then get clearance, then wait my turn. Now time is coming and another choice has my Father laid before, as if knowing I needed comfort, to feel His presence. To feel completely comfortable with going in He has 3 different coriculums(?) I can choose from. His choice will be made clear but in His merciful way He is making me feel comfortable, He is making His presence known. Thank you God for being everything I need, everything I want, surely more than I deserve.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

thank you Lord

Thank you Lord, my God for listening to me whine. When I have feelings swishing around in my head and I am leaning neither this way or that way. Thank you for allowing me to lay this mess of emotions at your feet, completely trusting you to work it all out.
Thank you God for the beauty of a marriage coming back together, for allowing me to witness my friends faith close and upfront from the moment her hubby moved out to the moment you moved him back in 9 months later. I watched her faith and her example of living by the bible and it's promises when I admittedly would have given up months before. Lord thank you for sermons on cd that speak to me and teach me.
God, thank you for my kids, each one of them is a wonderful, shining example of your love and generosity for allowing me the privilege to parent them. You are mercy, you are love, and you are grace.

Monday, August 25, 2008

ahhh the serenity of a scheduled day.

AAHHH School has started and peace has resumed residence in my home from 8am to 4pm. I am grateful. I love my kids and really enjoy sharing time with them. But the summer monthes, as they progress the boys get bored, start to bicker, complain about things. So this school days stuff thrills me. They have stuff to do, then come home and are happy to be here. Granted getting thru homework time is a challenge I have yet to master. Patience, my mom says is a flower that does not grow in my garden, huh I say. Each year I plant the seed, tend to my patience with much prayer and try not to kick myself when I fail.
My hubby and I relieve each other if we notice the others patience about worn thru. I'm telling you these teachers are angels from God himself to do this day in and day out. And a summer off is just about enough time for God to restore them in time for the new school year. Today I am grateful for school and for teachers. I'm grateful for quiet in my home and to enjoy a full uninterupted conversation with my hubby:) I'm grateful for so much my list goes on much longer than any list of complaints I could put together, praise God.

Monday, August 18, 2008

multitudes of gratitude

It seemed I waited so long to go on this trip with my daughter, and here we are horseback riding on the beach in Progresso. It was an awesome time together. The whole trip was just wonderful. We laughed alot, a whole lot. My little girl got to travel outside the states. I fell asleep each night thanking God for the day, I woke up doing the same thing. Gratitude overflows from me to my heavenly Father for giving me this opportunity to spend time with my little girl. I'm continually amazed by His generousity. I mentioned listening to a series of teachings by Pastor Jerry, and in that series he teaches about God wanting the best for us, well let me tell you this trip God provided was THE best, I wouldn't change a thing. Even the painful sunburn was awesome. From before to during to after, everything went just great. I believe if you live expecting God to provide, He will, He wants to. Looking to Him for everything is a gift, and even if it's not what you wanted it will be what you need, that is an awesome reality, God's reality for me, for us. Live for Him, love Him. Oh and be grateful, so grateful that His love endures...forever.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Ready for a trip :)

Last year my husband and boys and I went on this cruise, it was an awesome time. This year I will be taking this cruise with my daughter. Praise God for the blessings he pours out to me to allow me to do such a thing. I am so excited, she flies in today.

Today I am grateful for opportunities recognized. So many times God attempts to bless us, and in our busy state of mind, or our feelings of unworthiness we do not accept these opportunities. Lately I've been listening to a series on cd by Pastor Jerry, called the Blood Covenant. In this series time and time again God offers Himself, His blessings to His people, time and time again they did not see it or grasp it. I'm equally as guilty as my ancestors. Today Lord open my eyes to your giving, your blessings. I pray my heart accepts how happy you want me to be. Challenging myself in each moment to cherish the people you have placed in my life. Opening my heart to slow down and appreciate each person, blessing. To wrap my heart around each lesson you want me to learn. These people are not interuptions to my day but placed there by you for a purpose I will never know if I do not slow down. May I anticipate you in each day, open and waiting to see you, and standing still till I fill your direction for me. Today Lord I expect you, want you, need you to guide me. Today Lord may I recognize you, and cherish the blessings you shower down on me, in the mighty name of your sacrifice, Jesus, amen.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

grateful for His pictures

So many times God has spoken to me in pictures, from detailed textured art to bright beautiful crayon. Cool thing is He knows when I need it to be clearer, when I long to understand but can't quite get my head around it. In the middle of a conversation with Him He places this picture in my heart, ah ha I get it. Someone that is very dear to me, I'll refer to her as flower. I don't believe anyone will read this blog but just in case her name will be protected. Flower has repeatedly suggested I write this stuff down, so here I blog. Last night in bible study Beth Moore provided us all with this AWE moment, this visual of visuals. She asked us to stand shoulder to shoulder so close that nothing could come between us. Beth explained this is how we are supposed to be, united together, regardless of our differences we are all children of Christ and we should be unified, shoulder to shoulder. Then she said "Jesus, I present to you, the Kings daughters". I was moved beyond my physical world in that moment. I was fully in the spritual world. I, as God is my witness (cuz He was there too) stood with my sisters shoulder to shoulder presented before His throne. It was breath-taking, knee -buckling, unifying, a miracle in action type moment. There I stood before His throne, presented as His daughter, with His daughters and I will never be the same. There are not enough colors and sounds to adequately draw this moment for you. What I can explain is in that moment, doing what God found pleasing (standing unified as His children), seeking Him, God gave me a glimpse, a preview of heaven. No experience here on earth can even come close.
Today I am grateful for His generousity, His grace, His love for us.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

It just keeps getting better :) :)

Have you ever been just walking thru your day, hum drum. Not really noticing the beauty of God in your day? I have, often, if I'm being honest. Kinda like this hike we were on, it was hot. The hike seemed never-ending. Lots of trees, hills, dirt, and heat, I did mention it was hot right? Then like a whisper to remember, to really open my eyes, it appeared. This flower type thingy. It was beautiful, the picture doesn't capture how vibrant it was. How solitary it seemed at first. Then my eyes were open to the greens and browns. To the life going on within this hike. Ants, birds, spiders. All right there as big as life, and I almost missed it. The whole temperature of the hike changed at the site of this flower. No longer did I grumble at each hill, or wonder why someone would hike this trail. It became a wonderland of smells, visuals, sounds.

So you see today I am so grateful for God grabbing my attention when I'm not paying attention. For Him opening my eyes to "see" Him at work all thru my day. I absolutely am in love with Him and His genius ways.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

so much gratitude :):)

As I anticipate a vacation with my daughter, I reflect back on past vacations. This picture is from our trip to Missouri, so much fun.

Today I am grateful for answered prayers, for knowing without a fraction of doubt God heard my cries. Funny, even though we know He's there and that no "being" cares more for us, it floors us when we feel His presense. Even on days I'm being convicted, disciplined, pruned, just knowing it's Him doing it makes it so much better, right?

I'm grateful for this month being one of time with family and fun. Both my older kids will have visited me this month, my two younger boys will have spent a week at each grandparents this month. Praise God for the blessings of being able to do these things. I am overjoyed to know we stay connected while living far apart.

I am gratful for Women of Faith this month, and the opportunity to bond with women from my home church and others as we come together to seek Him, to know Him more, to worship Him. After going last year I could not stay away this year. It is such a blessing to attend these events and gatherings. To hear Him through others, to see His work, to witness His love. Grateful, grateful, grateful am I.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Just BE happy says the Lord.

Just be happy? Okay? What an amazing reality we have, the choice is ours to just be happy.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Video games for the family.

Ahhh, today I am grateful for a video game I can play with my family:) Wii fit, and it is fun, really fun. For awhile now my husband and boys have been trying to get me to try this game and that game. Non of which stirred the slightest bit of desire in me to play. This Wii Fit is great, and fun and good for me too? I mean this is awesome.
I'm also grateful for friends I can reach out to in a time I need prayer and receive their quick responses. Just knowing they are praying too helps extensively.
Oh how I wish I could properly describe my bible study buddies, what a complete treasure and blessing they are to me. I mean complete in every sense of the word too. I have no clue what I did to earn receiving such a gift from God, but boy am I grateful!!!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hello and Welcome

Every Monday morning I email my bible study buddies an email titled "threads of gratitude". I began doing this because what better time to be reminded of things to be grateful for than an early Monday morning? As you weed thru all your emails and grumble as a new week has begun, you stop and consider all things you are grateful for.

So I've decided to try doing this on a blog as well. You see I've become quite tickled to have the opportunity to read responses to these threads. Through out the day my friends reply with their threads of gratitude and I love it. Some times I get one when I'm caught up in work and being a bit grumbly myself. I love the interuption of my sour mood with these threads, it has been wonderful, who knew? So Monday mornings I will post my threads, praying that you will share your with me:)